New Order of Fashion

New Order of Fashion

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New Order Of Fashion Denim Dark From Scratch Bag imageNew Order Of Fashion Bag Black From Scratch Bag imageNew Order Of Fashion Denim Light From Scratch Bag image

What the brand can prove

New Order of Fashion (NOoF) is sourced, designed, and produced entirely in the Netherlands

The brand is a small business built by a small team of <10 people. NOoF, in collaboration with the local Eindhoven community, industry partners Wolkat and design talent Alicia Minnaard, Bart Hess and Marie Sloth Rousing, have developed their first capsule collection

In the summer of 2020, New Order of Fashion (NOoF) started an ambitious local recycling and upcycle project called ‘From Scratch’. With the city of Eindhoven as its source, they collected more than 1,500 kg of discarded clothing. The donated items were the starting point of an ongoing research process in collaboration with designer and NOoF talent Alicia Minnaard. Designer Bart Hess and NOoFs industry partner Wolkat transformed the collected items into a new useful material for fashion makers: recycled yarns and 6 kilometers of textile. With these materials, the brand released its first collection, creating handcrafted upcycled bags, contributing to circular fashion

Eindhoven based foundation that is helping to shift the dial on sustainability in fashion through talent and innovation. Next to technological innovation, it takes the creative geniuses to change the fashion industry. NOoF enable the next generation of fashion design talent to drive the industry's transition towards circularity. NOoF, in collaboration with the local Eindhoven community, industry partners Wolkat and design talent Alicia Minnaard, Bart Hess and Marie Sloth Rousing, have developed their first capsule collection 'From Scratch’

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Eindhoven based foundation that is helping to shift the dial on sustainability in fashion through talent and innovation. Next to technological innovation, it takes the creative geniuses to change the fashion industry. NOoF enable the next generation of fashion design talent to drive the industry's transition towards circularity.

NOoF, in collaboration with the local Eindhoven community, industry partners Wolkat and design talent Alicia Minnaard, Bart Hess and Marie Sloth Rousing, have developed their first capsule collection 'From Scratch’